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Get support

If you need support, a range of completely free and confidential support services are available by phone, online or in-person.

A list of relevant, freely available services is provided below. 

You may also wish to seek help from your GP, another professional or a counsellor.

If you need someone to talk to, you can contact: 

Statewide Sexual Assault Support Line

24/7 support from local specialist counsellors provided by the Sexual Assault Support Service and Laurel House 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)

Lifeline – 24/7 crisis support: 13 11 14

A Tasmanian Lifeline – 8am-8pm, 365 days a year: 1800 98 44 34 for support and referral

Relationships Australia Tasmania

Specialist complex trauma counselling, trauma informed counselling, wellbeing information and referral

9am-5pm, Monday to Friday: 1300 364 277

Kids Helpline 

  • 24/7 support for children and young people provided by specialist counsellors: 1800 55 1800

Services available 24 hours a day

Services that may not be contactable by phone or email outside business hours

In an emergency, call 000 for urgent police or medical assistance.