Report child safety concerns
If you believe or suspect that a child is at risk, you must speak up.
Is a child currently at risk of harm?
If there is an emergency where there is immediate risk of harm or a crime is happening now, contact police by calling Triple Zero (000).
Do you believe or suspect a crime has happened?
If you believe a crime may have been committed, you can contact the non-emergency police line on 131 444 or report anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Are you concerned about a child’s safety or wellbeing?
Call the Strong Families Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line by phone on 1800 000 123 or by using the online contact form.
The Strong Families Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line is the first point of contact for concerns about child wellbeing and safety. Anyone with a concern about a child or young person can call. Concerns can also be reported online through the advice and referral line’s online contact form. You can also visit the website for more information.
Do you have a concern about child sexual abuse or grooming?
If you believe a crime has occurred contact the non-emergency police line on 131 444 or report anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Visit the Tell Someone website to learn more about child sexual abuse and what grooming behaviour looks like.
Are you concerned about the behaviour of a Government worker?
If you are you concerned about the behaviour of a Government worker towards a child or young person, report your concerns directly to the Independent Regulator or the specific Department. A Government worker is any employee, contractor or volunteer working with a government organisation.
Report your concern to directly to the relevant Department
- Report to the Department for Education, Children and Young People
- Report to the Department of Health
- Report to the Department of Justice
- Report to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania
- Report to the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management
- Report to the Department of Premier and Cabinet (including Service Tasmania)
- Report to the Department of State Growth
Need more information?
If you would like more information about the signs of child sexual abuse and how to talk to a child who may be at risk, you can visit the Tell Someone website.
Need support?
Support is available by phone, online or in-person for anyone who needs it. For information about how to access support, visit the support page.
For advice or to refer an abuse matter, contact the Advice and Referral Line (ARL) on 1800 000 123.