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Welcoming Wombat Wards in Northern Tasmanian hospitals

May 05 2024

The children's wards at the Launceston General Hospital, the Mersey Community Hospital and the North-West Regional Hospital have officially been renamed as the Wombat Ward.

Children who have to spend two or more nights in the hospital will be given a cuddly Wombat to keep them company, while nursing staff have bright new Wombat-themed scrubs.

wombat looking at scrubs

LGH staff with Chief Executive of Hospitals North Fiona Lieutier looking at the new wombat scrubs

wombat ward with fiona and brendan and ange

Wombat Ward Acting Nurse Unit Manager Angela Bransden, with Department of Health Deputy Secretary Hospitals and Primary Care Brendan Docherty, and Chief Executive of Hospitals North Fiona Lieutier

The renaming process was a collaborative effort between staff, health leaders and, most importantly, children and young people who have accessed paediatric services and participated in workshops to share their ideas and experiences.

Read the full story on the Department of Health website.