National Child Protection Week aims to promote a safe and supported life for every child, now and into the future. This year National Child Protection Week is held from 1 to 7 September. The theme for 2024 is ‘Every Conversations Matters’, which emphasises the power of conversations to keep children and young people safe and well.
National Child Protection Week is run by the National Association for Prevention of Child abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN). NAPCAN was founded to destigmatise talking about the abuse and neglect of children in Australian society and is dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect before it starts.
We all have a role to play in building a society in which children not only survive but thrive, with their rights respected and protected, and their voices valued and empowered. Find out how you can keep children safe by:
- Attending any of NAPCAN’s free livestreams across National Child Protection Week.
- Checking out the information and resources on the NAPCAN website.
- Learning about child sexual abuse on the Keeping Children Safe website and the Tell Someone website.
- Reading Change for Children, Tasmania’s draft 10-year child sexual abuse strategy, to find out what the Government is doing to uphold the rights of children by preventing, identifying and responding to child sexual abuse.
If you believe or suspect that a child is at risk, you must report it. Visit the Make a report page on the Keeping Children safe website for more information.